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All Things Beef Series Continues with Look at New ID Rules and Review of Winter Nutrition Needs

By Chris Clark

Beef producers are invited to attend the next All Things Beef winter workshop on Dec. 18 in Marshalltown to learn about recent regulatory updates and winter beef cow nutrition. Chris Clark, Iowa State University Extension and Outreach beef specialist, said this session will include information on some relatively new regulations regarding animal identification and implants as well as some suggestions to help producers meet nutritional needs of their herds this winter.

“We will cover the recently implemented rules requiring electronic identification tags of breeding stock and cattle that cross state lines, and we may spend just a few minutes talking about the current guidelines on growth promoting implants," he said. "Then I plan to offer a few suggestions for balancing rations and feeding cows this winter. Winter nutrition is always an important topic and winter feed costs are typically our greatest expense. Plus, it never hurts to review some best management practices and think through some practical ideas.”

This workshop will be held Wednesday, Dec. 18, at 5:30 p.m. at the ISU Extension and Outreach Marshall County office located at 2608 S 2nd St., Marshalltown. Please RSVP to Chelsea Llewellyn by email at, by phone at 641-752-1551 or by text at 515-344-3756. There is no charge for the workshop.  A light supper will be provided.

This is the second in a series of All Things Beef winter workshops provided by ISU Extension and Outreach. Remaining programs include a calving workshop on Jan. 22, 2025, and basics of artificial insemination and estrus synchronization on Feb. 19, 2025.  All meetings will be held at the ISU Extension and Outreach Marshall County office beginning at 5:30 p.m.

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