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American Farm Bureau and Minnesota Farm Bureau Statements on Dicamba Use

American Farm Bureau Federation President Zippy Duvall today sent a letter to the Environmental Protection Agency asking EPA to allow farmers to use existing stocks of dicamba for the upcoming planting season. Earlier this week, a federal court in Arizona vacated the registration of three dicamba products, which are critically important tools for farmers in fighting resistant weeds.

“Many farmers have already made planting decisions to use dicamba-tolerant crop systems and have planned to use dicamba products in the very near future,” wrote President Duvall. “These farmers invested substantial sums in the dicamba-resistant seeds in reliance on EPA’s prior approval of dicamba on these crops. Without these products, not only are these substantial investments at risk, but farmers do not know how they will protect their crops.”

AFBF is asking EPA to issue an existing stock order to ensure dicamba remains available to farmers throughout the growing season. Farmers should be allowed to continue the use of the product in accordance with current labels.

“Our farmer and rancher members are committed to the safe use of all crop protection tools,” the letter continues. “However, responsible farmers that have invested in – and often taken loans out to purchase – dicamba-resistant products for the current growing season should not bear the financial burden caused by this legal dispute.”

Minnesota Farm Bureau President Dan Glessing also released the following statement:

“Tools like dicamba products help farmers ensure healthy plants that yield crops to feed a growing population,” said Minnesota Farm Bureau President Dan Glessing. “The prior approval of the EPA has already influenced many Minnesota farmers' purchase decisions for the 2024 growing season. They should not have to shoulder financial burdens of purchases already made, while also scrambling to source alternative products, from the technicalities of a legal dispute.”

About the Minnesota Farm Bureau Federation

To ensure Minnesota’s agricultural vitality, the Minnesota Farm Bureau amplifies its members’ voices through engagement, grassroots advocacy and agricultural awareness. Learn more about our efforts as an advocate for our over 30,000 members and 78 county and regional Farm Bureaus at

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