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American Farmers & Ranchers Announces Those Named to the 2017-2018 Youth Advisory Council

American Farmers & Ranchers announced its 2017-18 Youth Advisory Council at the organization's annual Senior Leadership Summit Reception July 28. The reception was held at the conclusion of the annual AFR Leadership Summit.

The Council consists of high school juniors and seniors representing AFR youth from across the state. Members of the 2017-18 Council are: Cade Leonard, Sequoyah; Rylee Detrick, Ringwood; Drew Hardaway, Battiest; Rayli Cunningham, Laverne; and Tyler Wilkinson, Calumet.

Council members participate in agriculture-based service projects throughout the year and assist in planning many AFR Youth Program activities. They also facilitate AFR events and act as mentors for younger Oklahoma youth.

"AFR is proud to invest in the future of Oklahoma through these young people," said Terry Detrick, AFR president. "Our leadership summit and the AFR Youth Advisory Council demonstrate that investment across Oklahoma."

The selection process includes a written application, an interview conducted by a panel of AFR members and leadership professionals and a speech given in front of the candidates' peers. In addition to interview and application scores, a vote is cast by students attending Summit, allowing all attendees to be involved in the selection process.

AFR Leadership Summit develops leadership skills in junior high and high school youth that will prepare them for future educational and professional experiences. Attendees learn such skills as setting and achieving short- and long-term goals and working in teams. They also learn the value of personal responsibility, respect for their peers and many other positive attributes.

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