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Animal Care Program

The Canadian egg industry’s Animal Care Program (ACP) helps ensure that all hens have a safe, healthy and comfortable living environment.  Based on the recommended Code of Practice for the Care and Handling of Pullets and Laying Hens, the ACP is regularly reviewed and revised to reflect new knowledge and egg farmers’ commitment to continuous improvement.

The ACP provides guidelines for space, feed, water, lighting, air quality, hen handling and more.  On-farm compliance is verified through extensive record keeping, annual inspections by a trained team of field inspectors, and independent third-party auditing.

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Innovation - An Ontario Beef Research Centre Tour

Video: Innovation - An Ontario Beef Research Centre Tour

Student chefs tour the Ontario Beef Research Centre hosted by the University of Guelph beef cattle expert Dr. Katherine Wood. As an important culinary education collaboration with Taste Canada, this tour sponsored by Canada Beef and Canadian Food Focus provided insights into the role of ruminants like beef cattle play in environmental sustainability and the innovative research underway at the Centre to improve efficiencies in raising cattle and also, beef quality.

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