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Animal Health, International Trade, Defending Modern Agricultural Practices Among NPPC Priorities

The President of the National Pork Producers Council says animal health, international trade and defending modern pork production technology and methods are among the organization's top priorities under its new long range strategic plan.

As part of World Pork Expo 2022, held earlier this month in Des Moines, the National Pork Producers Council introduced a new long range strategic plan, unveiled a new logo and launched an updated website.

Terry Wolters, a pork producer from Pipestone, Minnesota and President of the National Pork Producers Council, says the planning process took about 18 months, involved a wide cross section of stakeholders was intended to identify and respond to the top priorities of producers.

Clip-Terry Wolters-National Pork Producers Council:

The industry has certainly modernized.
There's no question about it.

When I started in the industry there was mixed practice, mixed production systems, indoor-outdoor, lots of different things but we've clearly modernized.

We've brought livestock inside in many cases, we've brought larger farms, we're more concerned about the environment and trade.International trade has become a big front over a number of years.You've also got foreign animal disease that has moved around the globe that has really caused us to change the way we go about defending our practices in the industry.

We've got production mandates coming out of states from what I would say is a group of people that don't understand modern agriculture.
So, we've had to adapt and be more proactive in defending both regulation and the technologies that are in place in the pork industry.

Key priorities under the strategic plan really involve defending our modern production practices, enhancing our environmental technology, adopting new technology, defending science and technology that are a big part of our industry.

Ultimately all of that is about promoting product, raising a wholesome nutritious product for not only for this country but around the world.

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