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Animal Health Week Proclaimed For September 30 To October 6, 2018

Today, Agriculture Minister David Marit proclaimed September 30 to October 6, 2018, as Animal Health Week in Saskatchewan.  This year’s national theme is “Vaccines Save Lives.”

“Whether it’s livestock producers or pet owners, we in Saskatchewan take great pride in the health and welfare of our animals,” Marit said.  “Vaccination is a simple step that can help control the spread of communicable diseases.  The benefits to animal health—as well as to our international trade in livestock and livestock products—are enormous.”

Saskatchewan’s Animal Health Week coincides with Animal Health Week in Canada, which is proclaimed every year by the Canadian Veterinary Medical Association.

This year, veterinarians across the country will be using the week to promote the Five Reasons to Vaccinate:

  • Vaccinations are safe and effective.  They prevent many animal illnesses.
  • Vaccinations protect everyone.  They prevent diseases that can be passed not only from animal to animal, but also from animal to human.
  • Vaccinations are an important part of annual health exams.
  • Vaccinations are tailored to each animal based on its breed, age, overall health and disease-exposure risk.
  • Vaccinations can help avoid costly treatments for diseases that can be prevented.

“The Saskatchewan Veterinary Medical Association supports national campaigns such as Animal Health Week to show national unity and heighten the awareness of veterinary care in all species,” Saskatchewan Veterinary Medical Association Past President Dr. Leslie Sawa said.  “Preventative care is crucial for the wellbeing of animals and for human health and safety.  Vaccines can save animals’ lives and protect the people around them from the many diseases that are transmissible.”

As the Canadian Veterinary Medical Association states: A vaccinated animal is a happy, safe and healthy animal.

Source : Government of Saskatchewan

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