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Animals at Kismet Creek stay cool with extra shade and wading pools

As southern Manitoba continues to experience hot weather, the owner at Kismet Creek Farm Animal Sanctuary is working to provide the animals with extra shade and watering holes. 

The last two months have produced record-breaking heat in Steinbach and Karl Schoenrock is busy helping the farm animals stay cool. 

“Like with the big pigs that I’m staring at now, it's about digging down their little mud hole a lot deeper so they can actually really sink themselves in the water to keep cool that way because without that, they would just overheat,” he says. “I do have a sheltered area for them but that's not as cool, it is better for them to be in cold mud or cold water that helps keep them cool.”

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Video: New Barn Build

A new 5000 head barn build in Milnor, ND. After lot lot of research and decision make, a North Dakota hog producer built a new state of the art 5000 head hog finishing setup. When the decision making was final it was decided to go with a ProSort three food court auto sorting system. Their research showed that hogs from a ProSort System was consistently two weeks sooner to market then from conventional pen barns.