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Annual Concho, McCulloch Counties Wheat Tour Set For April 30 In Millersview

By Steve Byrns
The Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service’s annual Concho/McCulloch Counties Wheat Tour is slated for April 30 in Millersview.
The day’s activities start with registration from 8-8:30 a.m., followed by the educational program from 9 a.m.-3 p.m. in the Millersview Gymnasium, 12199 County Road 6009 in Millersview. The day will conclude with a 3-4:30 p.m. tour of wheat variety test plots at Millersview and Brady.
There is no charge for the event and a catered lunch by Boondocks at Brady will be provided. RSVP by Monday, April 27 to ensure an accurate meal count. To RSVP or for more information, contact Brady Rose Evans, AgriLife Extension agent in Concho County at 325-732-4304,, or Trevor Dickschat, AgriLife Extension agent in McCulloch County at 325-597-1295, .
Five Texas Department of Agriculture continuing education units–two general, one laws and regulations, one drift and one integrated pest management–will be offered. Credits will only be awarded for the hours attended.
“This is historically a well-attended event, and with the wheat crop looking as good as it now does with the good rains we’ve been having, I expect both optimism and attendance will be high at this year’s program,” Evans said. “As is our custom, we’ve got some top-notch speakers and some excellent variety plots to tour, so if you’re a producer interested in wheat for grazing, grain or both, this should be a program well worth your while.”
Topics and speakers will include:
– Pest Management Through Farming Techniques, Dr. Clark Neely, AgriLife Extension small grains and oilseed specialist, College Station.
– Hessian Fly and Insect Control, Rick Minzenmayer, AgriLife Extension integrated pest management agent for Runnels and Tom Green counties, Ballinger.
– Herbicide Updates, Dr. David Drake, AgriLife Extension agronomist, San Angelo.
– Texas AgriLife Wheat Varieties, Dr. Jackie Rudd, AgriLife Extension agronomist, Amarillo.
– Texas Department of Agriculture Pesticide Applicator Laws and Regulations, Neal Alexander, AgriLife Extension agent in San Saba County.
– Farm Service Agency Update, Daniel Lange, Concho/Menard counties executive director and Ben Rush, McCulloch County executive director.
– Noon-12:10 p.m., Sponsor Recognition, David Holubec, McCulloch County producer.
– Harvest Weather Outlook, Hector Guerrero, National Weather Service meteorologist, San Angelo.
– Nozzles and Spray Tips to Reduce Drift, Dr. Brent Besler, Syngenta agronomist and service representative, Brownfield.
– Wheat Crop Marketing and Economics, Bill Thompson, AgriLife Extension economist, San Angelo and Dr. Mark Welch, AgriLife Extension economist, grain marketing and policy specialist, College Station.
– Farming Workforce–Texas Mutual, Eric Bourquin, regional safety services manager, Lubbock.
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