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Annual Report Highlights NCGA’S Farmer-led, Farmer-Driven Work in 2018

The National Corn Growers Association’s annual report for the 2018 fiscal year is now available online.  Themed “Deeply Rooted,” the 2018 report spotlights efforts made by NCGA throughout the year to reach long-term, strategic goals to improve the future of the industry by creating opportunities through trade and ethanol as well as a strong support system through the farm bill. A printed copy of the report, which also features current financial information, will also be sent to all active members.
“Our mission, to create and increase opportunities for corn growers, and vision, to sustainably feed and fuel a growing world, are deeply rooted in all we do. You’ll find on the pages of this annual report the highlights of how National Corn Growers Association fulfilled its mission and vision over the past year,” said NCGA Chairman Kevin Skunes, a grower from North Dakota, in a joint letter to readers co-authored by NCGA CEO Jon Doggett.
“Yet if we dig a little deeper, you’ll discover we’re really deeply rooted in our members – their challenges, their successes, their goals and hope for the future of corn and agriculture. It’s our grassroots who set the agenda, and NCGA works every day to make it happen.”
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