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Aphids In Small Grains

By Ty Torrance
Beneficial insect (Lady Beetle Larvae) eating aphids
I added this in here because it is always a good thing to see and I was pretty proud of myself for the picture too.
Small aphids in oats
Barley Yellow Dwarf Virus is vectored by aphids and can affect all small grains but is most prevalent in oats.  BYD can severely stunt plants and cause yield loss.  The virus will cause the plant to have yellow leaves and sometimes purpling or reddening.  The disease does have to be carefully diagnosed however because those same symptoms can be linked to nutrient deficiency, cold injury, and other diseases.  If you have any questions or concerns please contact the Extension Office.  This is just a reminder to all to keep an eye on your winter small grains.

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Soybean Leafminer

Video: Soybean Leafminer

Just as fields were drying down and harvest was nearing, the first case of a soybean field infested with soybean tentiform Leafminer was confirmed in Nebraska in late September. While there isn't too much cause for concern at this point, it's a good idea for producers to familiarize themselves with this new arrival.