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Arrangement Reached by Canada and Mexico for Organic Food Trade

Canada and Mexico have recognized their two national organic systems as equivalent, according to a release detailing the arrangement regarding the trade of organic food. The arrangement gives families in Canada more organic food choices that meet the country’s organic requirements and will expand access to the market for the organic industry in Canada.

The arrangement, Canada-Mexico Organic Equivalency Arrangement, became effective Feb. 15, 2023. Products certified under the Canada Organic Regime or the Mexican organic system can now be labelled and sold as organic in Canada and Mexico.

The new arrangement applies to products grown or produced in either country. Livestock and livestock products in Canada and products with final processing or packaging in either country also fall under this arrangement. Examples of products include fruits and vegetables — fresh, frozen or canned — and meat, poultry, dairy or egg products certified as organic in Canada.

Canada’s commitment to lessen trade barriers and increase access to organic foods is the push behind this arrangement.

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