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ASTA Urges Changes in Surface Transportation Bill

ASTA Urges Changes in Surface Transportation Bill

On March 17, ASTA joined more than 60 other state, regional and national agricultural associations offering ways to create a more environmentally responsible and economically viable freight transportation system.

“Agriculture can, and should, be part of the solution for addressing climate change and resiliency,” states the letter. “It must be emphasized that many aspects of the food and agriculture space are unique to the industry. We urge careful crafting of surface transportation policy to account for these aspects and avoid potential adverse consequences to U.S. agriculture.”

Source : Seed World

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Corteva Agriscience is proud to support #Farm24

Video: Corteva Agriscience is proud to support #Farm24

Corteva Agriscience is proud to support and celebrate British Farming and #Farm24, the UK's biggest agricultural, digital event created to celebrate British farming! This year it takes place from 8th to 9th August 2024 and is again organised by Farmers Guardian and Morrisons.