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Auburn To Host Practical Concepts For The Cow Calf Producer’ Conference Aug. 8

Auburn University Department of Animal Sciences announces the 2015 Beef Cattle Conference for Saturday, August 8, 2015 at Auburn University Ham Wilson Livestock Arena and campus facilities. This year’s one day Beef Cattle Conference (BCC) features speakers within the departmental Research, Outreach and Teaching programs which impact beef cattle and animal industry in Alabama.  Attendees will receive a Departmental Report and summaries of conference presentations and a lunch. “We have attempted to bring you all of the current research as it relates to the beef industry in the state of Alabama and region.
This collection of research either conducted or in progress, is aligned to support the viability and long-term sustainability of animal agriculture. Sustaining our livestock and animal industries is crucial as they contribute substantially to the economy of the state as well as the well-being of the Alabama Citizenry. The research reported at the 2015 BCC is supported by the College of Agriculture, the Alabama Agriculture Experiment Station and the Alabama Cooperative Extension System.
The 2015 Beef Conference is organized by faculty within the Department of Animal Sciences in partnership with representatives of the Alabama beef cattle community.  “Our departmental mission is about helping producers be more successful now and in the future. The 2015 program theme is valuable to cattlemen in all phases of the industry especially cow-calf producers within the Southeast Region and beyond,” said Wayne Greene, Head of the Department of Animal Sciences.
Because the main theme of this year’s conference is the ‘Practical Concepts for the Cow Calf Producer’, the 2015 BCC could not be more timely.  The planning committee has put together an excellent program that is of interest to all facets of the beef industry in the region” Greene said. “With a back-to-basics approach on nutrition, breeding and animal health, the morning session focuses on helping producers to Improve their Cow Herd. With topics of forage production and utilization, residual feed intake and efficiency, meat safety and security, the afternoon program features active and emerging outcomes of research in the department.
“The 2015 BCC will be one no one will want to miss”, says Don Mulvaney, BCC planning committee chair, “The Conference is designed to provide members of the beef cattle community an opportunity to receive fundamental principles as well as some of the latest updates on current beef cattle topics critical to beef producers. As a partial report of the department’s service to our stakeholders, it will indeed be an outstanding experience for all members of the cattle community.”

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