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Augmenta next iteration of GreenSeeker

The original GreenSeeker helped farmers manage variable rate nitrogen, but the inventor has expanded the basic technology to include in-field real-time variable rate for liquid fertilizer blends, plant growth regulators, herbicides, fungicides and desiccants.

If it’s growing in a field and can be measured remotely, Greek inventor Dimitris Evangelopoulos wants to analyze it.

Augmenta is the name of his latest crop sensing device. It augments and expands on basic GreenSeeker technology by using cameras in addition to sensors to read the crop. And it manages much more than nitrogen.

Augmenta maximizes the potential of every acre by scanning and analyzing inch-by-inch at sprayer speeds up to 30 km/h. It employs a new generation of passive sensors combined with a five-spectrum, 4K-camera.

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