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Avian Influenza Confirmed in Ransom County; Events Suspended

The North Dakota State University Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory has confirmed the presence of highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) in a commercial turkey and chicken flock in Ransom County, North Dakota. The detection extends the suspension of poultry/bird events in Ransom and the adjoining counties of Barnes, Cass and Richland, which were currently under suspension from a late August finding in Cass County. Adjoining counties newly under suspension due to the Ransom County finding are Sargent, Dickey and LaMoure. Additional counties still under suspension from earlier findings include Traill, Steele, McLean, McHenry, Ward, Mountrail, Renville and Burke.

The State Board of Animal Health and the North Dakota Department of Agriculture are working closely with USDA-APHIS and local officials in the response. The premises has been quarantined and the flock is being depopulated to prevent the spread of the disease. Birds from the flock will not enter the food system. Owners of domestic birds in a 10 km zone around the affected farm are being instructed to prevent contact between domestic poultry and wild birds and to monitor their flocks closely for illness to prevent the spread of HPAI.

A suspension means that effective immediately, comingling events such as poultry and bird shows, sales and swaps are prohibited in the affected county and adjoining counties. Producers in restricted counties cannot take birds to or from poultry events in any county. If no new cases emerge in 30 days, the suspension will be automatically lifted for that area. A map of counties currently included in the poultry/bird event suspension is available at

“As the fall migration begins, bird owners should take precautions to prevent interaction between wild birds and poultry,” State Veterinarian Dr. Ethan Andress said.

There is no immediate public health concern due to this finding.

“Everyone should avoid contact with sick or deceased wild birds and farmers should designate certain shoes and clothes to wear when caring for their own poultry,” Agriculture Commissioner Doug Goehring said.

Avian influenza infects many species of wild birds and can be transmitted by direct contact with infected birds or contaminated food or water. Sick and dead wild birds should be reported to North Dakota Game and Fish at

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