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Avocado - Born in California?

Avocado - Born in California?

The original avocado found in the area now designated California can be related to
prehistoric times, namely the middle Eocene and Pliocene epochs which have been
determined by geologists to be approximately 10 to 60 million years ago. The history of
these progenitors of the modern avocado and close botanical relatives in our current
Perseaspecies is recorded in fossil remains embedded in rocky outcroppings and in
formations exposed comparatively recently by the work of man as he sought gold in
California. Hydraulic mining practiced to excavate and wash the mountains of the
mother-lode country released many fossil specimens which had been buried deep in the
soil and revealed numerous plant materials which indicate the extensive and probable
dense semi-tropical flora that once existed. The semi-tropical climate of this period was
much in contrast with the more arid climate of today which provides the sclerophytic-
xerophytic chaparral and open pine associations now prevalent in the Sierra foothills.
The descriptions of the fossil flora of California and nearby Nevada are provided
primarily in the researches by Axlerod (1-7), MacGinitie (11), Chaney (8), Condit (9-10),
and Putnam (12) who have studied the fossil records of collections in the extensive
holdings of the University of California Museum of Paleontology at Berkeley and at other
museums in California. This report is primarily a brief account of their extensive studies

modification since prehistoric time is deducted from the paleobotanic and geological
studies of several sites in California and Nevada. The slow evolution of climatic changes
which has occurred through the ages is reflected in the types of flora and the specific
plant and animal materials associated with the collections and interpreted in light of
knowledge of present day similarities. The presence of avocado-like plants has been
clearly established in the fossil collections from Central and Northern California, and
they are particularly numerous in the Palmdale area. Those poleobotanic studies have
been made entirely on fossil leaf remains which are in some cases most excellently
preserved in the rock. Unfortunately, the more fragile flowers and fruits have not been
preserved, hence were lost during the formation of the fossil bearing soils.
Distribution of ancient avocados probably extended throughout the present state of
California is indicated by collections made in such widely separated areas as Mint
Canyon near Palmdale, Mulholland near Oakland and Nevada City, California. That the
speciesPersea coalingensisand other botanical relatives extended beyond the present
California borders is evident from the collections in Middlegate, Nevada (12) and in
Oregon (8). While the avocado is found as a representative among the flora in several
areas, it possibly was a dominant species in some areas such as in the site near
specific conditions. Other species associated withPerseabut in lesser numbers near
Palmdale werePopulus(cotton wood),Quercus(live oak) andPlatanus(sycamore).
Axlerod (7) indicates thatPersea"lived in large numbers along the river banks and lake
borders of the region". The density of ancient avocado in other areas of California
possibly was 10% or less of the total flora.
The distribution ofPersea coalingensisin the Pliocene deposits of California together
with such species asJuglans(walnut),Platanus(sycamore),Quercus(live oak) and
Salix(cottonwood) together with fossil horses, camels and antelope is interpreted to
indicate the semi-arid woodland habitat with considerable grassland in the vicinity (5).
Species ofMagnoliaandPerseapresently found in the semi-arid areas of northern
Mexico indicate a relationship to the fossil specimens from California. This has been
interpreted to indicate that the ancient flora of California was historically a relic of the
Caribbean Element comprising a dominant feature in Central California in the Eocene
and surviving in the more coastal situations in the late Tertiary (8). The common
Pliocene fossil speciesP. coalingensisis related to the livingP. padeniaBlake of the
Sierra Madre Occidentale in Sonora and Durango, Mexico (8).
The botanical relatives within the family Lauraceae abundant in early Tertiary consisted
of possibly more than eight species. Some of these have living relatives in various parts
of the world today but only one,Umbellularia californicaNutt, has survived in California.
praelinque, P. pseudo-carolinensis, P. coalingensisandUmbellularia salicifolia(8).
These species were scattered throughout the present State of California in prehistoric
times and are represented today only by botanical relatives found in Sonoran Mexico
and the remnant related species,Persea borbonia,the swamp bay of the Southern Gulf

The association of ancientPerseawith such genera as Magnolia provides evidence for
the existence of a climatic condition such as that encountred today in the warmer and
more humid areas of the Gulf states of Mississippi, Alabama and Georgia.
Among the most ancient of plant fossils which have been collected and identified from
California were those from sites in the San Francisco Bay area. These specimens are
representatives of a semi-tropical flora including the fan palm(Sabalites),magnolia,
sebestena (Coraza), huanchal(Cupania]and avocado(Persea)(8). The vegetative
characteristics of these genera are generally large and thick leaves compared to the
smaller, thin leaves of species from the temperate regions. The nearby presence of
fossil marine animals indicates the probable existence of swamps or lagoons which
again provides evidence suggesting climatic conditions of high rainfall and relatively
high atmospheric humidity.
specimens consist of morphological variations in leaf form and the detailed pattern of
the venation, the angle of departure of secondary veins from the midrib, the straightness
or curvature of secondary veins and the characteristics of primary nerves which arise
from the leaf base.
Identification of fossil impressions is made by comparison with present day living
species or botanical relatives.Persea carolinensis,an extinct species, for example, is
quite similar in leaf form and venation to the living types,Persea borboniaorPersea
paulustria,the Swamp or Bull Bays, presently extending from Florida to Texas in the
Gulf Coast area.
The remaining living botanical relatives of the ancient California avocado, Persea, is
Umbellularia californicaNutt., commonly called the California bay, California laurel,
Peppernut, or California myrtle. This bushy tree may attain a height of 6 to 15 meters,
18-48 feet. The long lanceolate leaf has a strong penetrating odor when crushed. The
fruit is a small inedible drupe about 2 cm. long. The seed can he eaten after roasting.
This species is found commonly in dry cismontane canyons below 5,000 feet elevation
from San Diego County to Oregon. The wood from older, larger specimens is used for
turning howls and other art objects as it has a beautiful grain and takes a good polish.
This wood is sometimes called California or Oregon myrtle.
A rough concept of the age of prehistoric avocado in California is depicted in Figure 2.
The geological time scale expressed in the great epoch terminology suggests the
presence of avocado in the Eocene, possibly 50 million years ago. The flora of that
period probably varied much as it does today but some of the genera maintained their
presence until Lower Pliocene about 10 million years ago. The close botanical relative,
Pleistocene and appears today somewhat modified but vigorous and plentiful in the
coastal and mountain valleys as our California Bay tree. Man appeared on the earth
only in very recent geological time. His active presence in California probably can be
well established only to three or four hundred years ago.

1.AXLEROD, D. I. 1939 A Miocene Flora for the Western Border of the Mojave Desert.
Carnegie Institute, Washington Contrib. Paleo. Publ. 516.
2.AXLEROD, D. I. 1944 The Sonoma Flora. In: Chaney, R.W., Pliocene Flora of
California and Oregon. Carnegie Instiit., Washington Publ. 553. pp. 167-200
3.AXLEROD, D. I. 1944 The Mulholland flora. Carnegie Inst. Wash. Publ. 553, pp.
4.AXLEROD, D. I. 1950 A Sonoma Florule from Napa, California. Carnegie Instit.
Washington. Publ. 590. pp. 25-71.
5.AXLEROD, D. I. 1950 Further Studies of the Mount Eden Flora. Carnegie Instit.
Washington. Publ. 590. pp. 75-158.
6.AXLEROD, D. I. 1950 The Piru Gorge Flora of Southern California. Carnegie Instit.
Washington Publ. 590. pp. 161-214.
Washington. Publ. 590. pp. 121-158.
8.CHANEY, R. W. 1951 Prehistoric forests of the San Francisco Bay area. In: Jenkins,
O. P., Geologic Guidebook of the San Francisco Bay Counties. Calif. Div. of Mines.
Bul. 154: 193-202. 1951.
9.CONDIT, C. 1944 The Remington Hill Flora. In: Chaney, R. W., Pliocene Flora of
California and Oregon. Carnegie Instit. Washington. Publ. 558. p. 21-55.
10. CONDIT, C. 1944 The Table Mountain Flora. In: Chaney, R. W., Pliocene Flora of
California and Oregon. Carnegie Instit., Washington. Publ. 558, pp. 57-90.
11. MAC GINITIE, H. D. 1941 A Middle Eocene Flora for the Sierra Nevada. Carnegie
Instit. Washington Contrib. Paleo. Pub. 534.
12. PUTNAM, W. C., C. DURRELL and G. TOMEL 1956 Mio-Pliocene Floras from
West-Central Nevada. Univ. Calif. Publ. Geol. Sci., Vol. 33

Umbellularia californica with flower and unripe fruit, the "bay nut". California Bay Laurel, also known as Oregon Myrtle, California Bay Tree, California Laurel, Pepperwood, Spicebush, Cinnamon Bush, Peppernut Tree and Headache Tree.  Looks like avocado?

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