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B.C. strengthens food supply for people in rural communities

A new fund will help improve the availability and affordability of food in B.C.’s remote, rural and Indigenous communities by strengthening the food supply chain and streamlining logistics, storage and transportation options.

“British Columbians rely on strong, local food systems and it is imperative that we look at ways to help strengthen our supply chains with new and innovative ideas,” said Pam Alexis, Minister of Agriculture and Food. “By supporting this sector, we are helping increase food security and affordability, and strengthening local economies throughout B.C.”

The Food Affordability and Innovation Fund is providing as much as $15.5 million for the new B.C. Food Storage, Distribution and Retail Program, helping recipients improve regional distribution networks and shared storage capacity; including:

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Farmers Voicing Priorities at the Capitol


Tom Adam along with other soybean famers are engaging with legislators and lending their voices so that those making laws know what priorities farmers have.