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Badger Swine Symposium

The third annual Badger Swine Symposium will be held on Thursday, March 12 at the Arlington Research Station Public Events Center, located at N695 Hopkins Road, Arlington.

Registration will begin at 9:30 am and the program will kick off at 9:45 a.m.Educational topics will include: Nutritional and Manure Handling Innovations—Phosphorous Management, presented by Dr. Tom Crenshaw, UW-Madison; The Impact Feeding DDGS has on Meat Quality – Dr. Jeff Sindelar, UW-Extension; Lessons Learned from PEDv – Chris Rademacher, DVM, Iowa State Swine Extension; Phosphorous Solubility and Soils – Dr. Phil Barak, UW-Madison ; and Manure Irrigation Study, Mark Borchard, US Dairy Forage Research Center. The Badger Swine Symposium is free to attend, but it is requested that individuals planning to attend RSVP by March 9th.

This program is supported by the Pork Check off funds and sponsored by the Animal Science Departments at UW-River Falls, Platteville and Madison, UW-Extension Swine Team, and the Wisconsin Pork Association. For further information, and to register at no cost, please call Tammy Vaassen at the Wisconsin Pork Association at 1-800-822-7675 or email or contact Zen Miller at 1-920-832-5124 or

Source: Wisconsin Pork Producers Association

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