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Barlow says Liberals have finally started putting out for some promises made in the past

The Conservative Shadow Minister for Agriculture, Agri-Food and Food Security, John Barlow, says what Budget 2022 announced was a lot of the spending that was outlined in the 2030 emissions reduction plan.

"Which reinforces a lot of what the parliamentary budget officer already confirmed. That rising carbon tax to $107 a tonne won't reduce emissions, but it's going to have a very detrimental impact on the agriculture sector. That's gonna be exasperating, what we're already seeing in terms of increased costs and inputs and inflation, it just seems like a nonsensical time to be increasing taxes on Canadian farmers."

Barlow says what was good to see was some compensation finally put out for some promises that have been made in the past.

"The Prince Edward Island potato ban, supply managed sectors, see some sort of solution, or at least a temporary solution. For the temporary foreign worker problem, emergency strategy there to address what has been a very acute labour crisis. But, you know, announcing these things, the Liberals have been very good at announcing things, but very bad at actually following through and implementing some of these programs."

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Video: Farmers Have a Story to Tell: Jake Leguee

Research continues to reveal gaps in consumer awareness of farming practices and the tools used to grow food. This can lead to tighter regulations, increased costs, and less innovation and adoption of sustainable practices that improve food production and reduce environmental impact.

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