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Bayer launches Delaro® Complete fungicide, delivering a powerful multi-mode of action solution for corn, soybean, and cereal farmers

Guelph, ON – The Crop Science division of Bayer announced that Delaro® Complete has been registered for use in Eastern Canada on corn, soybeans and cereals. The new foliar fungicide delivers effective and consistent control of major corn, soybean, and cereals diseases.

“Delaro Complete adds to the proven performance of Stratego® PRO for even better control of the most important corn, soybean, and cereal diseases.” says Eric Comte, Soybean & Pulse Crop and Campaign Marketing Manager, Bayer. “The addition of Fluopyram is ideal for high disease pressure situations and offers residual protection, giving farmers an extra edge heading into the end of the season.”

Delaro Complete has three modes of action (Groups 3, 11, 7) that work in tandem for added protection. In corn, Delaro Complete provides excellent preventive defenses against yield robbing diseases such as common rust, eye spot, Northern corn leaf blight and tar spot. In soybeans, Delaro Complete protects against all major soybean diseases as well as providing enhanced suppression of white mould.

“The three modes of action provide excellent disease control under various environmental conditions and work together to combat the toughest diseases,” says Comte.

Delaro Complete is available to Eastern Canadian farmers for the 2021 growing season. Farmers are encouraged to talk to their local Bayer representative to learn more, or visit

Source : BayerCropScience

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