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Bayer launches vayego® insecticide to give Canadian potato growers long-lasting protection against the Colorado potato beetle

Calgary, AB – The Crop Science division of Bayer recently announced the registration of the active ingredient, tetraniliprole, which will be launched commercially in the registered end use product vayego® insecticide, a new addition to its pest control lineup. For potato growers, it combines excellent knockdown of Colorado potato beetles, potato flea beetles and European corn borer. vayego also provides lepidopteran pest control in key tree fruit and vegetable crops.
“When applied as a foliar spray, vayego provides extended residual on Colorado Potato Beetles, giving growers confidence that their potatoes will have additional protection,” says Carmen Holding, Crop & Campaign Manager, Horticulture at Bayer. “This residual activity also means growers may need fewer applications throughout the season. It’s an easy-to-use product because of its low use rate, enabling growers to stay on top of their pest infestations.”
A second generation Group 28 diamide, vayego offers excellent control of lepidopteran pests in tree fruit and vegetables, with low risk to beneficial insects when used according to the product label.
The addition of vayego further complements the Bayer insecticide portfolio in potatoes, tree fruit and vegetables. With its low-dose rates, fast feeding cessation and residual control on Colorado potato beetles, vayego will be an invaluable tool for horticulture growers for years to come.
Source : Bayer

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