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Be aware of crop stage before applying pre-harvest herbicide

Chemical residues are a major issue for many customers and end users of Canadian wheat. The Saskatchewan Wheat Development Commission is reminding wheat producers to know the moisture content of their crop before applying pre-harvest herbicides and to always apply according to the label information to avoid the possibility of leaving unwanted levels of chemical residues on their wheat.

Farmers see the benefits of using pre-harvest glyphosate to control perennial weeds, but it is important that farmers time their application when the grain moisture content in wheat is less than 30 per-cent, or at the end of the hard dough stage. A thumbnail pressed into the kernel will leave an indent at this stage.

It is important for producers to follow the labels to maintain the global reputation of Canadian wheat. Check with the grain buyers in your area to see if they have any concerns about wheat treated with herbicides prior to harvest. The buyers follow the markets closely and know what residues importing countries and customers will accept.

Source : SaskWheat

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