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Bean Report - May 13

Seeding is progressing very slowly in Manitoba.
Cassandra Tkachuk is a production specialist with Manitoba Pulse and Soybean Growers.
"The early seeded pulse crops like peas and faba beans started going in the ground a couple of weeks ago and they continue into this week, possibly into the coming weeks, for different regions and depending on the weather. Daily soil temperature swings from day to night are still hovering around lower temperatures across the province. This is fine for faba beans that can germinate in three degree soil, and for peas that can germinate in five degree soil but soybeans and dry beans really prefer warmer soil."
Tkachuk talked about the impact of snow and frost.
"If the seedlings haven't emerged yet at the time of frost or snowfall, they will be safe from damage. If pea and faba bean seedlings are already out of the ground, you can feel comforted that they are tolerant to frost and they can regrow from below ground nodes. But soybean and dry bean seedlings, unfortunately they can't handle the frost."
She had some tips for farmers thinking about seeding soybeans soon.
"Research tells us that the best yield potential comes from planting during the first three weeks in May. The planting window in May for soybeans is pretty flexible. With the spring we've been having, I caution you to keep an eye on that frost risk. A good rule of thumb, is to plant within two weeks of your last expected frost and make sure that seedlings emerge into a frost free environment and you'll also want to make sure you've got warm weather coming after seeding."
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