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Beef Cows Under Dry Conditions: Water sources And quality

By Alvaro Garcia

When thinking about beef cows on pasture we oftentimes figure that what they drink is all the water they get. There are however 3 additional moisture sources cows rely (excluding snow!) which, by increasing order of biological and practical significance are:

  • Metabolic water (water generated in the body particularly from fat depots)
  • Plant surface water (such as dew)
  • Embedded water (water contained in the plant structure itself)

Metabolic Water

Particularly useful to species in dry environments metabolic water relies on the synthesis within the body mostly from the high ratio of hydrogen present in fat depots and the oxygen liberated in internal reactions. Camels (store fat in the hump) and some sheep species (store fat in the tail) are examples of this adaptation to dry conditions.  

Plant Surface Water

Dew is the condensation that occurs during the morning, very common in some regions and times of the year. Favorable weather conditions for its build-up include clear skies, no wind, and decent soil moisture. When there is no rain for more than at least a week, chances for significant dew accumulation are minimal. Even in the best conditions, research has measured values that rarely exceed 0.02 inches. In spite of getting your boots wet, the contribution to the cow metabolism is minimal.

Plant Embedded Water

Aside from the drinking water this other source is the most critical to the cow. Its importance varies with different plant species and their maturity stage. Young plants have high water content, which is reduced as the plant reaches reproductive maturity, and later senescence.  Early spring pasture for example can have 85 percent water but as it matures and bleaches during the summer can drop to 50 percent or less. Needless to say if it’s dried for hay the bales will end up with only 12-15 percent water.

Water embedded in feed during the spring

It is estimated that in general a lactating beef cow needs two gallons of water per 100 pounds of body weight during the summer. A 1,200 pound cow then may drink roughly 24 gallons of water, maybe up to 10 more to produce milk for the calf. If a cow eats roughly 2 percent of their body weight as dry matter during the spring, she could very well be “eating” 24 pounds of dry matter of pasture. If this “spring pasture” has 85 percent moisture this cow will be “eating” 17 gallons of water so she will reduce the amount she needs to drink.

Water embedded in feed during a dry summer

During a dry summer or when a drought has developed the situation differs. For once, the total pasture to the cow is limited. Depending on the forage available she may now be eating half of what was offered during the spring. In addition, as the plants mature and bleach under the summer heat, their water content is reduced oftentimes to 50 percent or even less. So the same cow that still nurses the calf will graze 1 percent of her body weight, or 12 pounds of dry matter, bleached pasture. This is where the rancher steps in and supplements with round bales reserved for the occasion. However, the amount of water the cow is now “eating” with the feed is less. If the pasture has now a maximum of 50 percent water the cow will be “eating” 3 gallons of embedded water. It does not really matter much to the “water budget” that the rancher supplied 12 pounds of dry straw because in essence they will only supply roughly 1 quart of water in total.

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