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Beef Exports Continue to Impress with Another Record Setting Month, Despite All the Political Noise

Thus far here in 2018, according to the US Meat Export Federation, each month the export numbers for beef have looked really, really good. Extension Livestock Market Economist Dr. Glynn Tonsor says the latest numbers especially, are just another testament to how well we’re doing with beef exports here in 2018.

“They’re very favorable and it’s hard to overstate that. Really, both beef and pork exports had a good April,” Tonsor said. “Beef was up 11 percent in volume and 23 percent in value for April 2018 relative to April 2017. That value number is the fourth highest on record. That’s important to note.”

Breaking down the data compiled by USMEF, Tonsor says the calculations reveal that the estimated value being added to every steer based on trade, is at $328 per head. In other words, assuming you are selling a 1,400 lb. steer, that equates to $23 per cwt of value being added.

“If I could emphasize one thing - those April numbers are hyper-strong - really good despite what is a lot of trade and political noise,” he asserted. “So, there’s a lot of reasons to be optimistic that we are already taking advantage of that growing protein story or the demand for more protein. My question is how much better could it be if we reduce some of that uncertainty?”

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