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Beef Farmers of Ontario COVID-19 Response

Guelph, Ont. – In light of the quickly evolving nature of the COVID-19 pandemic and under the direction of Public Health officials, BFO has implemented precautions in order to prioritize the health and safety of the staff, Board of Directors and all BFO stakeholders.
As of Monday, March 16th, all BFO-hosted events and meetings, including the inaugural Feedlot Management School, have been postponed.
BFO staff and board have been directed to refrain from participating in all travel, in-person meetings and events until further notice, and have been advised to use phone, teleconference and video conference options to connect when necessary and possible.
BFO staff that are able to work remotely have been advised to do so. Staff will still be accessible by phone and email. Having spent a period of time working remotely due to recent office renovations, staff are wellprepared to work remotely and will be able to carry on business activities for the association.
While not open to visitors, a skeletal staff will remain on-site to keep the BFO office open to receive mail and other scheduled deliveries.
The situation currently remains very fluid, so we will continue to monitor circumstances and public health information, and will keep the membership advised of any changes to these arrangements or any other relevant information as needed.
Source : BFO

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