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Beefenomics: Corn-Feeder Cattle Price Connection

By William Secor

The ups and downs of summer weather are upon us affecting a host of agricultural markets. The focus of this note is looking at how feed costs can affect cattle markets, specifically corn prices. In general, if growing conditions are worse than expected (e.g., a drought), corn prices increase because markets anticipate a smaller than expected crop. In contrast, if growing conditions are better than expected (e.g., ideal weather), corn prices will fall because markets anticipate a larger than expected crop.


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Walnut Grove Tree Farm

Video: Walnut Grove Tree Farm

We are gearing up for the next holiday on the calendar. Christmas is right around the corner, and we're joined now by President of the Nebraska Christmas Tree Growers Association and owner of Walnut Grove Tree Farm, Dennis Adams. If you would like to learn more about walnut grove tree farms, you can learn more by visiting their website, walnut tree grove dot com.