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Beginning Farmer and Rancher (BFR) and Veteran Farmer and Rancher (VFR)

Beginning farmers and ranchers and veteran farmers and ranchers are fundamental and growing parts of the American and global agricultural marketplace. USDA continues to support beginning farmers and ranchers and veteran farmers and ranchers as they look to access capital and risk management tools, acquire land, and develop financially sustainable operations.

The primary goal of the Beginning Farmer and Rancher (BFR) program is to help beginning farmers and ranchers successfully enter into farming and ranching by providing support for the education, mentoring, and technical assistance projects that give beginning farmers and ranchers the knowledge, skills, and tools they need to make the best possible informed decisions for their operations.

The primary goal of the Veteran Farmer and Rancher (VFR) program is to ensure that veterans looking to return home and start a new career on a farm or ranch have the tools and opportunity needed to succeed.

The role of Risk Management Agency (RMA) is to issue the policy and procedures needed to administer the BFR and VFR provisions that are unique to the Federal crop insurance program and to ensure that BFR and VFR benefits are made available to those who the legislation is intended to assist. For additional information on the BFR and VFR resources visit the RMA website at

The benefits for BFR and VFR are the same. However, the qualifications for BFR and VFR are different. You may qualify for both BFR and VFR, but the programs are not interchangeable, and you may not receive BFR and VFR benefits at the same time.

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