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BeGrainSafe this harvest season

This harvest season the Canadian Agriculture Safety Association (CASA) is reminding producers of the dangers of moving grain and why it is important to BeGrainSafe and follow safe grain handling practices

It takes mere seconds to become engulfed in grain, and far too often grain entrapment leads to serious injury or death.

“When grain is in motion, it acts like quicksand,” explained Robin Anderson, CASA communications coordinator. “It takes no time to be trapped and once a person is trapped in grain to just their knees, it becomes impossible to self-rescue.

“Grain yields and technology mean that more bushels of grain are moving faster than ever before, so this increases the likelihood of coming into a scenario where grain entrapment is possible.”

CASA has been working to raise awareness, educate and train people about the dangers associated with grain through its grain safety program, BeGrainSafe, since 2017. One of the key BeGrainSafe resources is a mobile training and demonstration unit that allows firefighters to experience practical, hands-on grain rescue training.

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