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Berry Bulletin May 24

Strawberries:  Growers were able to resume or begin planting strawberries this week. Green fruit can be found in day-neutral fields in early areas and the fields are looking good. June-bearing strawberries continue to move along slowly. Buds are emerging and extending from the crown -pushing harvest to late June for these fields.  Row-covered June bearing fields are looking good and bloom is present.
Insect activity continues to be low this week but keep an eye out as we move into bloom and warmer temperatures.
Strawberry Aphids: Aphid numbers continue to be low but it is important to control aphids through the season. If your strawberries are not at bloom you can apply one of the following products: Admire, Assail, Cygon or Lagon,  Sivanto Prime, Exirel or Beleaf. Once there is bloom it is too late to apply an Admire soil drench, Cygon or Lagon. Beleaf is registered for aphid control as well as tarnished plant bug suppression at the high rate during bloom. Do not spray when bees are active. Apply a soil drench of Admire on new plantings after planting to control aphids and protect your fields from virus.
Mites: cyclamen mite activity continues to be low. As the weather improves and plants begin to grow keep an eye out for mites and damage as damage may become more apparent. If there is a history of cyclamen mites or you find them in your field, apply Agri-mek SC (with 0.1% or 0.5% surfactant). Do not apply Agri-mek during bloom.
Tarnished plant bugs (TPB): a few tarnished plant bug adults have been found. The threshold for control is approximately 1 nymph in 4 flower clusters. Some group 3 insecticides provide control of TPB and clipper weevil, but can be toxic to beneficial insects. Do not spray when bees are active.
Disease: Bloom is an important time for disease management. Warm, rainy, humid      conditions during bloom will increase disease pressure. Pristine (7+11), Cabrio                (11), Diplomat (19) and Switch (9+12) are registered for control of anthracnose.            Anthracnose resistance to group 11s has been identified in Ontario. Tank mix                  Pristine and Cabrio with a group M for botrytis control to avoid developing                        resistance.
If growers are applying Chlorothalonil this spring note that there is a 30 day PHI        (correction from Pub 360).
Blueberries: are beginning to bloom in southern Ontario and pollinators are busy at work.
Disease: Use fungicides from different groups to control cane diseases such as                    phomopsis and anthracnose twig blight. Bravo can be used until petal fall.
Early primary mummy berry infection can be found. If there is a history of                        mummy berry on your farm control now until early bloom.
Raspberries: flower clusters can be found in raspberries across the province and primocanes are emerging.
Disease: It is important to protect growing primocanes and developing laterals from cane diseases with fungicide applications before and during bloom. Ferbam (before bloom only) and Tanos are registered for cane diseases, but Pristine and Switch also do a great job on cane diseases when they are used to control Botrytis grey mould. Apply Ferbam and Tanos when there is 25-30 cm of new growth, before first bloom. Good coverage is important.
Spotted Wing Drosophila: Malathion and Mako are now fully registered for suppression and control of SWD. These products were previously emergency use registrations. Check out the updated pre-harvest intervals and maximum number of applications:
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