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Bibeau marks Canadian Agriculture Literacy Month with financial support

Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food Marie-Claude Bibeau has announced up to $415,000 in support for Agriculture in the Classroom Canada (AITC-C).

Canadian Agriculture Literacy Month (CALM) is celebrated annually in March and encourages students to learn about and celebrate Canada's agriculture and food story.

“To build the next generation of agricultural producers, we must inform and inspire Canadian youth. The objective of Agriculture in the Classroom is to spark their interest early by teaching youth about the origins of the food they eat and the role of our farm families, while raising awareness of the many possible careers in our sector. Supporting these efforts is an investment in a stronger, more sustainable agriculture sector,” said Bibeau.

In celebration of CALM, AITC-C is hosting the Great Canadian Farm Tour, an engaging learning experience which gives students an opportunity to learn about Canada’s agriculture industry by interacting virtually with real farmers. The Great Canadian Farm Tour includes a virtual field trip with 11 live farm tours focusing on the diversity of commodities across Canada throughout the month of March.

“As always, we are thrilled to continue our collaborations with AAFC through this most recent announcement of funding. The support will be leveraged alongside other AITC-C donors to ensure initiatives such as CALM and thinkAG continue to grow and thrive with useful tools for educators and experiences for students. Reaching the young people of this nation, our future leaders and decision makers, is key to ensuring continued public trust and growth in Canada’s agriculture and food sector,” said Johanne Ross, AITC-C Executive Director.

AITC-C will receive up to $55,000 through the new federal AgriCommunication Program to support activities related to the virtual farm tours. In addition, AITC-C will also receive nearly $360,000 under the AgriDiversity program to expand its thinkAG initiative, which is designed to help Canadian students learn about, and inspire interest in, the many diverse and exciting career opportunities in agriculture.

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