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Bibeau Releases Statement On COVID-19

Canada's Agriculture and Agri-Food Minister Marie-Claude Bibeau has released a statement regarding COVID-19:

Our government is working around the clock to respond to the health and economic impacts of the COVID-19 outbreak on Canadians, and on our farmers and agri-food businesses.

We sincerely thank all the farmers and employees across the agri-food value chain who have a vital role in supplying safe and high-quality food to our tables. We ask them to be attentive to their health and well-being. We also thank employers in the agriculture sector who strive to put in place measures to minimize health risks.

The continued movement of agri-food products and inputs, both at home and abroad, and the ongoing delivery of essential food-delivery services, are essential to Canada’s plan to manage COVID-19.

In order to follow up on all the impacts of the COVID-19 crisis on the agriculture and agri-food sector, I struck an intersectoral working group that meets three times a week via a conference call. I have also convened a teleconference with my provincial and territorial counterparts, with whom I will remain in regular contact. Our government is working 24-7 to monitor the economic impacts and share information, while identifying opportunities to provide support for farmers and food businesses.

I want to reassure Canadians that we have a high-performing and resilient food system. Our priority is keeping Canadians healthy, and that includes keeping food accessible for all. Moreover, the Canadian Food Inspection Agency has strong measures in place to ensure the safety of Canada’s food supply.

Each and every day, we take the measures needed to protect the health and safety of Canadians. This is our absolute priority.


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