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Bibeau Says The Trucker Blockade At Coutts Is "Very Worrying"

Federal Ag Minister Marie-Claude Bibeau says they are monitoring the situation at the Coutts border crossing very closely.

She says they've made their point and know it's time to let it go.

"Well, it's obviously very worrying. I think that peaceful protest is the right thing to do, but it has to stop at a certain point. When you have make your point, you have been heard, then I mean, it should stop.  It should not go toward, you know, reaching an illegal blockade. Obviously, from the agricultural perspective, blocking the border is very preoccupying because we have so many commodities going across the border. It is extremely important for our supply chain and actually, this is why we have to let it go. We have, obviously, food going across, we have perishable food, we have living animals. So for all these, you know, we're following the situation very closely."

Yesterday, protesters at the Coutt's border crossing agreed to open two lanes of traffic - one north bound and one south.

Alberta RCMP now reporting a second blockade has been set up going south on Highway 4 at Highway 501 in the Milk River area about 18 kilometres north of Coutts.

Motorists are being advised to avoid the area as the roadway is being blocked with semi's, trucks and heavy equipment.

RCMP say US bound vehicles, US citizens and residents of Coutts who were stopped at the blockade are being permitted through, but it's a slow process.

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