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Bookwork, The Missing Management Component: Part 3 - Balance Sheet Valuations

By Heather Gessner 
The financial crash of the 1980’s has been attributed to changes in producer’s balance sheets, due to a decline in land prices. After this time, a two-column balance sheet was developed to help prevent that type of balance sheet collapse from occurring in the future.
Asset Valuation
The two methods to value non-current assets, like land, machinery and equipment, breeding livestock etc. are Cost Valuation and Market Valuation.
  • Cost Valuation: This is the Remaining Value of the investment, or it could be considered the Book Value, where the purchase price is adjusted for accumulated depreciation. Not influenced by price changes.
  • Market Valuation: This is the Current Market Value, less any selling costs. Influenced by price changes, either higher or lower.
To develop an accurate balance sheet for consistent comparisons, use the information in Table 1.
Table 1
Balance Sheet Values
AssetCost BasisMarket Basis
Marketable SecuritiesCostMarket
Marketable InvestmentsMarketMarket
Accounts ReceivableCostCost
Prepaid Expenses/SuppliesCostCost
Growing cropsCostCost
Purchased breeding livestockCostMarket
Raised breeding livestockCost or Base ValueMarket
Machinery & EquipmentCostMarket
Real Estate Buildings and
Real Estate Example (Table 2) – land was purchased in 3 different years for a total of 468 Acres.
Table 2
Real Estate Buildings and
395 Acres (1998) @$3500$1,382,500(@$6372) $2,516,940
24 Acres (2015) @$6000$144,000(@$6372) $152,928
49 Acres (2017) @$5275$258,415(@$6372) $312,228
In this example, the land valuation has increased by approximately $1.2 million. Both the Cost Value and Market Value are important to know and can be used to make operating decisions. The Market Value provides information on the liquidity value of the assets and can be used to evaluate the owners borrowing ability. However, without knowing both numbers, if the value of the land begins to decrease the cost basis provides a base real estate value.
Other assets also need to be included on the double column balance sheet. (Table 3)
Crop and livestock inventories that are held for sale may be difficult to determine, as different financial associations have different recommended actions. However, here are some guidelines.
Table 3
Market InventoriesCostMarket
Raised livestock/crops for saleMarket1Market
Purchased livestock for saleEither2 
Raised crops for production (feed)Market3Market
Purchased feed stuffs for productionEither2Market
Purchased inputs for production (seed, fertilizer etc.)CostCost

1 Market Value less cost of disposal.
2 Recommended is the lower cost or Market Value. If kept separate from raised inventory then use cost. If co-mingled with raised inventory then practicality is market value.
3 Lower of cost or market is preferred, market value is acceptable.


Placing a value on market inventories is more complicated than land values as there are tracking issues, products maybe co-mingled and thus hard to determine which price to use. The key is to be consistent and conservative with your valuation methods.
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