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Broiler-Type Eggs Set in the United States Up 2 Percent

Broiler-Type Eggs Set in the United States Up 2 Percent

Hatcheries in the United States weekly program set 218 million eggs in incubators during the week ending April 11, 2015, up 2 percent from a year ,ago. Hatcheries in the 19 State weekly program set 210 million eggs in incubators during the week ending April 11, 2015, up 2 percent from the year earlier. Average hatchability for chicks hatched during the week in the United States was 83 percent. Average hatchability is calculated by dividing chicks hatched during the week by eggs set three weeks earlier. 

Broiler-Type Chicks Placed in the United States Up 3 Percent

Broiler growers in the United States weekly program placed 174 million chicks for meat production during the week ending April 11, 2015, up 3 percent from a year ago. Broiler growers in the 19 State weekly program placed 168 million chicks for meat production during the week ending April 11, 2015, up 2 percent from the year earlier. Cumulative placements from the week ending January 10, 2015 through April 11, 2015 for the United States were 2.45 billion. Cumulative placements were up 3 percent from the same period a year earlier.

Source: USDA

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