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Build Soil Quality And High Yields With No-Till

Well over 50% of the corn and soybeans in the state are now produced with No-till practices, which help prevent soil erosion and build soil health and quality. However, No-till can have challenges such as soil compaction, excessive residue, and insect & disease management. Penn State Extension in Lancaster County and the PA No-Till Alliance are sponsoring a workshop for new and experienced no-till farmers who are interested in improving their crop production practices.
The workshop will feature experienced farmers, industry experts and extension staff; all available to answer questions about no-till and to help farmers design cropping systems which build soil quality and produce sustainable and consistently high yields. There is no cost for the meeting, which runs from 9:00 AM until 12:00 PM, with coffee and snacks provided. 
Registration begins at 8:30 and the meeting promptly at 9:00 AM in the Pennfield Room of the Lancaster Farm and Home Center. The Center is located at 1383 Arcadia Rd, Lancaster, PA.  There is no charge for this event. Walk-ins are welcome. Questions? Call the Extension office at 717-394-6851

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Is Nitrate Still in the Field?

Video: Is Nitrate Still in the Field?

Brian Arnall, OSU Extension soil nutrient management specialist, discusses why nitrate levels in the soil may appear to be low due to recent rain, but could still be present.