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Building Commercial Standards to Boost Trade in Nutrient Enriched Crops

In every step of commercial supply chains, purchasers look to standards to ensure that suppliers are providing valid products and services. Standards are essential for buyers to know what they are getting and to document transactions so that users further along the value chain know where their product has originated. Standards allow for smooth transactions of goods, and ultimately protect the consumer.

Commercial supply chains

Nutrient enriched crops, also called biofortified crops, are a relatively recent innovation developed by HarvestPlus and its CGIAR global agricultural research partners to improve the micronutrient content of the world’s most-widely consumed staples, without use of transgenic modification. The primary objective of these traditionally bred crops is to tackle micronutrient deficiency (hidden hunger) on a large scale.

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Residue Management

Video: Residue Management

Farm Basics from Ag PhD Episode #1392 | Air Date 12/8/24 - Brian and Darren explain how farmers deal with residue left after harvest.