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Buy BC supports success of farmers, producers and processors

More people will be discovering and enjoying local food and beverages as the Buy BC Partnership Program continues to support B.C. farms and businesses to get the word out about their products.

“British Columbians know that when a product has the Buy BC logo it is grown or made in B.C. by people in their own communities,” said Pam Alexis, Minister of Agriculture and Food. “Buy BC is supporting farmers, and food and beverage processors reach new customers and increase sales, strengthening food security and local economies throughout the province.”

The program continues to support small family-run businesses, new entrepreneurs and larger companies in B.C. expand market reach, increase brand exposure and build consumer awareness of local agriculture, and food and beverage products. Funding is currently available to help local companies tell their stories to B.C. consumers.

Great Glacier Salmon located on the Stikine River has increased awareness of its wholesale and retail packaged salmon and seafood products. The female-owned company used the funding to label products and packaging with the Buy BC logo, develop promotional materials and deliver in-store sampling.

“The Great Glacier Salmon Buy BC campaign is helping increase our visibility to consumers by clearly labelling and marketing our seafood products as from B.C.,” said Jennifer Gould, president, Great Glacier Salmon Ltd. “Adding the Buy BC logo to our salmon and seafood from initial harvest to final restaurant sales, retail stores and direct sales will help grow our brand awareness and increase sales.” 

Elias Honey was started in Prince George in 1972 with honey made from fireweed and other blossoms native to the region. Now, the majority of the company’s B.C.-sourced honeys come from the Fraser Valley and help support B.C.’s berry industry. The family-owned-and-operated business received Buy BC funding to develop promotional ads and marketing materials, and set up in-store sampling of their honey.

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Video: Opportunities in 4-H

Nia Smith, Student, Poplar Hill 4-H Club
The 4-H program has given Nia many opportunities over the years, from communication to leadership. Join Nia as she shares her experiences from this past year with her “Seed Starting from a Home Hydroponic System” science fair project, and how she had the opportunity to go to the Canadian Science Fair finals in Ottawa, ON.

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