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CAFTA meets with North American counterparts to discuss agri-food trading system

The Canadian Agri-Food Trade Alliance (CAFTA) attended the 33rd Annual Tri-National Agricultural Accord meetings from October 21-23 in Arlington, VA, to reinforce its strong support for the North American agri-food trading system.

“The strength of CAFTA’s delegation underscores our firm commitment to the North American agri-food trading framework, particularly as we approach the 2026 CUSMA Review,” said CAFTA president Greg Northey. “With the U.S. Presidential election on the horizon, it is critical to hear directly from our U.S. and Mexican partners.”

CAFTA’s delegation, which includes representatives from the Canadian Cattle Association, the National Cattle Feeders Association, the Canadian Sugar Institute, the Canadian Canola Growers Association, the Canola Council of Canada, Cereals Canada, CropLife Canada, the Canadian Pork Council and Pulse Canada, met with U.S. and Mexican counterparts, along with government officials from all three countries, to advocate for a resilient and unified trading structure across the continent.

“Canada’s agri-food export sector is preparing for the 2026 CUSMA Review,” added Michael Harvey, Executive Director of CAFTA. “We heard clearly from American counterparts that they are concerned that Bill C-282, which is currently under review in the Senate, will undermine the United States’ commitment to renewing the agreement.”

Harvey says Bill C-282 would legislatively handcuff Canadian trade negotiators so they couldn't discuss the supply management industry. He's concerned that if the bill passes, it could hurt trade talks with the U.S.

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