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California Dairy Farmers are Saving Money—and Cutting Methane Emissions—By Feeding Cows Leftovers

By Pam Knox 

If you’re a dairy farmer, feeding leftovers or scraps to cows is nothing new. As long as you keep their diets well balanced, cows can eat a surprising variety of things and stay healthy. But feeding leftovers to cattle also provides another benefit–it reduces food waste, one of the biggest contributors to greenhouse gas emissions. Here is a recent story about California dairies’ use of almond hulls, spent grains, and other leftover food to cut methane emissions by diverting edible food products out of landfills, where they produce methane as they decompose. You can read it at Inside Climate News here.

California Dairy Farmers are Saving Money—and Cutting Methane Emissions—By Feeding Cows Leftovers

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Vaccinating Pregnant Sheep & Ensuring Lamb Parentage | Daily Sheep Farming Life

Video: Vaccinating Pregnant Sheep & Ensuring Lamb Parentage | Daily Sheep Farming Life

Welcome to another day at Ewetopia Farms, where we focus on raising high-quality registered Suffolk and Poll Dorset sheep. In today’s vlog, we vaccinate four groups of pregnant ewes, administer their final de-licing treatments, and meticulously record each sheep's group for accurate lamb parentage tracking. Watch as we share our best practices for sheep care and flock management, ensuring the health and well-being of our flock. Whether you’re a fellow farmer, an animal lover, or simply curious about sheep farming, you’ll find insights and inspiration here at Ewetopia Farms. Don’t forget to like, comment, and subscribe to join us daily on our journey!