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Calving Season Wrapping Up

Calving season is coming to an end.
Shawn Cabak is a Livestock and Forage Specialist with Manitoba Agriculture & Resource Development.
"Calving season, for some, is mostly wrapped up. We have a wide range of when calving season starts from Jan/Feb through to March/April and some calving on grass. Calving seasons have been stretched out because a lot of producers have moved it back to get out of that cooler, wetter weather that we see usually in March."
Cabak says the dry conditions did help in one regard.
"Because it's been drier, because it's been warmer, that has helped with minimizing disease pressure, so calves are not as stressed. We don't have the wet conditions, we don't see the same level of scours that we normally see, but producers still have to keep an eye on their calves and ensure that there is no sickness."
He added this important piece of advice.
"When cows are milking, when they got a young calf at their side, that's their highest nutritional period, so that's when we have to feed them our best quality feed. We have to feed them the most feed. We need ensure they have enough protein and energy, vitamins and minerals and salt and water so that they can produce enough milk for their newborn calf and get them through to grass. We don't want to underfeed the cows then because that could lead to delayed rebreeding when the breeding season starts."
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Dr. David Rosero: Fat Quality in Swine Diets

Video: Dr. David Rosero: Fat Quality in Swine Diets

In this episode of The Swine Nutrition Blackbelt Podcast, Dr. David Rosero from Iowa State University explores the critical aspects of fat quality and oxidation in swine diets. He discusses how different types of lipids affect pig performance and provides actionable insights on managing lipid oxidation in feed mills. Don’t miss this episode—available on all major platforms.

Highlight quote: "Increasing levels of oxidized fats in swine diets reduced the efficiency of feed utilization, increased mortality, and led to more pigs being classified as culls, reducing the number of full-value pigs entering the finishing barns."

Meet the guest: Dr. David Rosero / davidrosero is an assistant professor of animal science at Iowa State University. His research program focuses on conducting applied research on swine nutrition and the practical application of smart farming. He previously served as the technical officer for The Hanor Company, overseeing nutrition, research, and innovation efforts.