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Canada's Agricultural Clean Technology Program Moves To The Next Step

Applications are now being accepted for Ottawa's new $165.7 M Agricultural Clean Technology Program.

The program provides farmers and agri-businesses with access to funding to help develop and adopt the latest clean technologies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Under the program, $50 million is allocated specifically for the purchase of more efficient grain dryers.

The Agricultural Clean Technology Program focuses on three priority areas: green energy and energy efficiency; precision agriculture; and the bioeconomy.

Along with the money designated to help with the purchase of more efficient grain dryers, $10 million is being allocated towards powering farms with clean energy and moving off diesel.

The program's two-step application process includes first submitting a Project Summary Form, which will determine a project's eligibility and alignment with program criteria and priorities.

Successful applicants will then be invited to submit a full application.

Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada estimates that this program has the potential to reduce up to 1 megaton of greenhouse gases (carbon dioxide equivalent) from the Earth's atmosphere.

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