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Canada's Indo-Pacific Strategy to support growth and prosperity for the agriculture and agri-food sector

The Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food, the Honourable Marie-Claude Bibeau, met with agriculture stakeholders at the Canadian Western Agribition in Regina, Saskatchewan, to discuss the Government of Canada's new Indo-Pacific Strategy (IPS). 

Minister Bibeau toured the Canadian Western Agribition in Regina, Saskatchewan on Saturday and held two roundtable discussions: one with the Canadian Cattle Association, and a second with several Canadian agriculture associations. They discussed the IPS, and the landmark announcement that comes with it: Canada's first ever Indo-Pacific Agriculture and Agri-Food Office (IPAAO).

With $31.8 million earmarked in dedicated funding, this new office will enable Canada to engage with stakeholders, regulatory counterparts, and policy decision-makers to deepen partnerships with Indo-Pacific economies that value sustained, meaningful relationships, collaboration and the sharing of expertise.

Expanding our presence in the Indo-Pacific will help Canadian farmers, food processors and exporters maximize their opportunities and position Canada as a preferred supplier in key emerging markets. The Indo-Pacific encompasses more than 40 economies and is the fastest growing region in the world. It is Canada's second-largest regional export market and trading partner (after the United States), with $26.5 billion in annual two-way agri-food and seafood trade in 2021.

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