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Canadian Agriculture Expected to Handle Potential Interest Rate Hikes

Regina. Sask. - In spite of higher interest rates, fluctuating commodity prices and trade uncertainty, Farm Credit Canada (FCC) finds Canadian agriculture remains strong and continues to withstand economic fluctuations.
In its latest report, the FCC defines the agriculture industry as being well-positioned to thrive despite some challenges.
While total farm debt across the country recently exceeded $100 billion, most Canadian producers continue to be in a good financial position.
It's expected that the country's agriculture community will finish strong in 2018 and head into 2019 on a positive note.
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Unveiling the Future of Agriculture

Video: Unveiling the Future of Agriculture

In this excerpt from the full interview with Keri Carstens she discusses the future of agriculture, in sunny Orlando, Florida, at the 2024 ASTA Field Crop Seed Convention as we take a walk with Keri Carstens, CEO of Jord BioScience. We quiz Keri on the lessons she’s learned in the bio-tech space and what’s ahead in this rapidly evolving market. From navigating regulatory challenges to leadership advice, Keri offers her perspective on the biggest opportunities in bio-tech. Plus, hear her vision for the impact biotech will make in the seed sector in the next five years.