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Canadian All Wheat Area the Highest in More than 20 Years

Canadian all wheat planted area will hit its highest in more than two decades this year, a Statistics Canada acreage report said Wednesday. 

The report, which contains StatsCan first acreage estimates for the 2023 growing season, estimated nationwide all wheat area for harvest this year at 26.96 million acres, up 6.2% on the year and the highest since just over 27 million acres were planted in 2001. The estimate came in on the high end of re-report trade guesses that ranged from 25.5 million to 27 million acres. 

New-crop spring wheat area is expected to expand 7.5% on the year to 19.38 million acres, also the highest since 2001 (20.57 million acres). Durum acres are projected to see a much more modest increase, ticking up less than 1% to 6.06 million – still the highest since 6.18 million in 2018. National winter wheat acres, at 1.51 million acres, are estimated up 12.7% from last year although still below the 1.69 million that were planted for harvest in 2021. 

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