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Canadian Cattle Association calls for swift government action on keeping Class 1 railways open to ensure continued stable trade and supply chains

The Canadian beef industry depends on open and stable supply chains for both our domestic and international consumers, which includes steady transportation infrastructure such as railways.  

The looming and unprecedented labour action at both of Canada’s Class 1 railways will impede this flow and has already disrupted the security of Canada’s food supply. It is crucial that agriculture and agri-food be deemed an essential service that is not at risk of disruption by labour disputes.  

“Trade is critical for the Canadian beef sector and for Canada. We need to ensure Canada’s rail lines stay open as it has taken decades for Canada to build trusted trading relationships around the world, established on our consistent integrated trade supply chain – of which rail is one component,” stated Nathan Phinney, CCA President.  

CCA is committed to working with its government and industry partners to keep the flow of essential goods that Canadians rely on.

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Dr. Elda Dervishi: Feed Restriction and Pig Behavior

Video: Dr. Elda Dervishi: Feed Restriction and Pig Behavior

This episode approaches vital research in the Canadian swine industry. Dr. Dervishi, a research project manager at the University of Alberta, brings her extensive animal nutrition and behavior knowledge to the discussion. This episode focuses on the impact of feed restriction on pigs, exploring its effects on behaviors like tail biting and skin lesions, and examining potential strategies for reducing these issues. These insights offer valuable perspectives for anyone in the swine industry seeking to balance animal welfare with production efficiency.