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Canadian Cattle Association welcomes increased funding commitments under the Next Agricultural Policy Framework

Saskatoon, SK – Today, Canada’s agriculture ministers gathered in Saskatchewan for their annual federal-provincial-territorial (FPT) meeting where they announced $500 million in new funds for the Next Agricultural Policy Framework, a 25 per cent increase from the previous Framework. The Canadian Cattle Association (CCA) is pleased to see the increased investments and echo the FPT ministers in saying that this investment comes at a critical time.

The new Framework, to be known as the Sustainable Canadian Agricultural Partnership, includes investments in research, risk management, and environmental programming. With an increased funding envelope, the beef sector is now better equipped to deliver on some of the ambitious environmental and productivity goals as set by the national beef strategy partners, all while producing a high-quality protein to feed the world.

“Today’s announcement is a recognition that the FPT Ag Ministers heard our concerns,” said Reg Schellenberg, CCA President. “We are partners in the intertwined objectives of sustainability and competitiveness.”

Investments of note include:

  • $250 million dollars for the Resilient Agricultural Landscape Program (RALP). This investment will be cost-shared with the provinces and aims to pay farmers for ecological goods and services they provide, a welcome investment for beef producers who perform these services as a by-product of raising beef.
  • Increasing the AgriStability compensation rate from 70 per cent to 80 per cent. An increase has long been advocated for by the beef sector. Additional reviews of the business risk management suite of programs to increase efficiency and effectiveness were also announced.

As with all complex issues relating to tackling climate change and ensuring a vibrant industry, the details of these commitments will be important. CCA welcomes increased funding and looks forward to being consulted as a stakeholder for how these dollars will be spent. The Canadian beef sector provides tremendous environmental benefits and CCA is active in discussions to ensure the sector’s sustainability is recognized.

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