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Canadian Cattle Young Leaders Program application deadline coming up March 31

The Canadian Cattle Association's Young Leaders Program has helped to mentor 180 participants in the beef industry.

The CYL program was established in 2010 as an industry succession tool for the beef sector. 

CCA Youth Programs and Engagement Manager Jessica Radau says the program is open to young people 18-35 from across Canada involved in all areas of the beef supply chain.

"We're taking the next generation of leaders and beef producers and matching them with mentors to get the skills and tools that they need to continue to drive the growth of the industry for years to come." 

She notes applications are open to anyone who meets the age requirement and is involved in any aspect of the supply chain, not just producers but veterinarians,  lawyers, people working in communications, etc they all play an important role in the industry as well.

Through the program, 16 participants are selected to be paired with an industry leader for a nine-month mentorship to help advance their career path within the beef industry.

Successful applicants also receive a $3000 budget for learning and travel opportunities connected with the program.

Radau says past participants have been extremely pleased with the program and their experience, with mentors saying they also enjoyed the experience.

There's still time to apply for the Canadian Cattle Young Leaders Program, the application deadline is coming up Sunday, March 31st, 2024.

More information on the program and how to apply can be found here.

To listen to Glenda-Lee's conversation with the CCA Youth Programs and Engagement Manager Jessica Radau, click the link below.

Source : Pembinavalley online

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