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Canadian Para-Dressage Clinic Provides Athletes With World-Class Educational Opportunities

Over 50 participants from the Canadian Para-Dressage community had the opportunity to take part in two days of interactive education from world-class clinicians on June 19 and 20 at Dunraven Farm in Uxbridge, ON. 
As the highlight of the clinic, Equestrian Canada (EC) was honoured to host FEI 5* Para-Dressage Judge, Carlos Lopes of Portugal. A total of 11 athletes had the opportunity to ride a test for Lopes. With the help of scribe and Canadian FEI 3* Para-Dressage Judge, Birgit Valkenborg, Lopes followed standard judging procedures during the tests. However, at the completion of the tests, he used video playback to walk the athletes and auditors through a detailed explanation of his marks and comments. 
FEI 5* Para-Dressage Judge, Carlos Lopes of Portugal provides Canadian Para-Dressage athletes with valuable feedback during the EC Para-Dressage Clinic in Uxbridge, ON. 
“It was very helpful and a wonderful experience,” said Sarah McConaghy, a Grade I Para-Dressage athlete who was named to Talent ID Squad of the Canadian Para-Dressage National Team Program for the 2016-2017 cycle. “I learned lots of new knowledge that will assist me in my future riding. Carlos Lopes complimented my overall riding skills, which is a great compliment from a clinician of his caliber. His comments really increased my self-confidence and encouraged me to strive for more.” 
EC Para-Dressage High Performance Technical Leader, Clive Milkins, spoke to the importance of rider feedback from international leaders in the para-dressage sport. 
“Positive feedback from a 5* judge is vital to our coaching and training plans,” explained Milkins. “The judges award the medals, so if we want to win, we have to find out what the judges want. Also, when riders have time to talk to judges, they realize that judges are not faceless names in a booth, but real people who want to develop the sport.” 
Carlos Lopes provides feedback to Madison Lawson, who participated in the riding portion of the clinic aboard McGuire, owned by Donna Percival. 
Milkins - a renowned coach and trainer in the para-dressage world himself - also took the time throughout the clinic to connect with athletes, coaches, and supporters to lay the groundwork for a strong and collaborative National Team Program for the para-dressage community. In addition, he provided participants with an interactive presentation on “What Does Great Look Like?” The presentation was available through Facebook livestream, and can be watched in full on the EC Facebook page. 
“Creating a team culture in a sport which is realistically an individual sport is vital,” explained Milkins. “Gathering together to pool resources, friendship, support and ideas develops the idea of family – a group of people working together to create the best we all can be. It raises standards and makes the whole dream much for fun as we all pull together.” 
For Chelsea Perez, a Canadian Para-Dressage athlete currently residing in Baltimore, MD, the clinic represented her first contact and introduction with the Canadian Para-Dressage National Team Program. 
“It was an amazing learning opportunity and team-building exercise to meet so many para-equestrian athletes from across Canada,” she commented. 
Perez’s coach, Eiren Crawford was equally pleased with the experience, stating, “I was surprised and impressed at the depth of talent and dedication in the para community.” 
EC Para-Equestrian Committee Chair, Elizabeth Quigg added, “Bringing together so many para-equestrian athletes, their coaches and support people from all across Canada has given us new energy and excitement. The generosity of local owners was incredible, as most riders were mounted on quality borrowed horses, for which we thank them.” 
Participants in the EC Para-Dressage Clinic had the opportunity to meet athletes, coaches and supporters from coast-to-coast in order to build a true team culture. 
Milkins also led sessions on Horse Veterinary Inspections, speaking to the importance of proper turnout and techniques. Following his demonstrations, a competition was held to crown a winner for the best-presented horse. McConaghy’s mount, Cornucopia, presented by owner, Carolyn Poliquin was the winner. 
In order to help create a strong team culture among all athletes and personnel, athletes participating in the clinic also had the opportunity to meet and work with EC staff and National Team Program Integrated Support Team (IST) personnel. 
On June 19, clinic participants took part in Media Relations & Sponsorship training with EC Manager of Communications and Media Relations, Jessie Christie, who spoke to best practices in working with media, the importance of a strong social media presence, and tips and techniques for securing personal sponsorships. Throughout the two days, athletes also had the opportunity to work directly with IST personnel, including EC Head of Sport Science, Jessica Dilliott, Team Equine and Human Massage Therapist, Caroline Archambault, Team Physician, Dr. Elisabeth Hobden, and Team Mental Performance Coach, Dr. Chantale Lussier. 
The IST personnel invested time to introduce themselves and speak to their background and experience, and how athletes can benefit from their support. Athletes had the opportunity to meet with IST personnel one-on-one to ask questions and discuss how to utilize the IST services to reach their full potential and perform to the best of their ability. 
“For years we have treated our equine partners as athletes, with the best veterinary care, the best saddles, farrier, and the best possible welfare. Now it’s time to ensure human athletes have the same care in fitness, nutrition, medical and psychological support,” explained Milkins. “These factors influence winning margins. Our athletes also must be in the best physical and mental conditions in order to be at their best.” 
In addition, the clinic provided the chance for athletes, coaches and supporters from across the country to meet, interact and build relationships and bonds that will create a strong team dynamic. Social and networking events including the #ECRedandWhite BBQ, where athletes were encouraged to participate in a photo booth session with Canada-themed props and enter the Snap a Selfie to Win Contest. 
Congratulations to the winners of the #ECRedandWhite photo contest: 
Madison Lawson 
Donna Percival & Madison Lawson 
Robyn Andrews 
Madison Lawson & Robyn Andrews 
Stephanie Ross 
Stephanie Ross & Tristiana Allwood 
Jason Surnoski 
Jason Surnoski 
“It was great to meet and talk with other athletes that share the same passion and interest as myself,” said McConaghy. “Thank you EC for the wonderful opportunity to ride and participate in such a fantastic clinic. I really learned a lot.” 
EC would like to thank all participants, as well as the clinicians, presenters, volunteers, and horse owners. The clinic would not have been possible with the time, energy and support of these many individuals. EC would also like to give a special thanks to Amanda Kalvoda of Dunraven Farm, and her entire staff for hosting the clinic at their beautiful facility. 

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