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Cattle Producers Concerned About April 15 CFAP Date

Cattle Producers Concerned About April 15 CFAP Date
Oklahoma cattle producers are concerned about the continuing market impacts of the pandemic and the world revolving around them said Michael Kelsey, executive vice president of the Oklahoma Cattlemen’s Association, during an interview this week with Radio Oklahoma Ag Network Farm Director Ron Hays.
Kelsey, who has been on the road in recent days visiting with cattle producers, said they are facing many difficult decisions as they try to predict future market and demand equations during this uncertain time. At the top of the list of their concerns is the April 15 date connected with the Coronavirus Food Assistance Program (CFAP) payments.
That date is really problematic, Kelsey said. This is probably the most frequently commented issue by producers, he said.
Oklahoma Congressmen Frank Lucas and Tom Cole have asked USDA Sec. Perdue to review the April 15 date.
We are so appreciative of them asking for the review, Kelsey said.
The OCA executive said Oklahoma cattlemen are also asking questions about the type of cattle eligible for CFAP, the payment amount and if there will be another relief package.
In addition to the CFAP concerns, Kelsey said producers have other issues to work through.
There is still a lot of concern about the disconnect between live cash cattle prices and boxed beef prices, Kelsey said.
As more restaurants open, cattle producers hope demand will return to pre-pandemic levels, he said.
Kelsey noted the pandemic forced OCA to move their annual convention from Norman to Tulsa (Southern Hills Marriott, July 24-25) when Norman officials delayed convention business until after Aug. 1, too late to meet OCA’s needs.
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